Indigo Park (Ex-Vinci Park)
Created in 2001 by the VINCI Group (world leader of concessions, construction, building and associated services), Indigo Park, is a leading actor of the parking sector and associated services.
Global partner of local authorities, Indigo Park designs, builds, finances and manages public services paid parking on roads and bulidings. Its expertise extends also to the management of private companies parking lots.
Indigo Park proposes to local authorities to outsource totally their parking activities, by integrating widely their parking environment, from design phases towards the management of the activity, including funding plans.
This solution allows to local actors to count on a proven international expert of parking issues and to optimize their parking service strategy on a daily basis.
The project at a glance
10 countries implemented
NAV version : 2013R2 and 2016
Scope : Sales / Finance
Interface with business solution