NAV in Sharepoint

Dynamics International has created for its customers, a Sharepoint portal centralizing in one page some useful links to Dynamics NAV functions, dedicated for some types of light users.

A high added value portal

NAV in Sharepoint Logo - Dynamics InternationalDynamics International has decided to create a portal towards its customers, allowing their light users to access in fast and easy way to  some Dynamics NAV ERP functions, without any training, as workflow approval, expenses claims, timesheets entry/approbation (Professional Services Organisations), holidays requests, daily reports entry…

This portal based on Microsoft Sharepoint, a part of the Office 365 Suite, ease the access to functions relevant for some types of users, without needing to train them to Dynamics NAV. Each function is launched in a pop-up within the portal.

Portail NAV in Sharepoint Portal - Dynamics InternationalThis portal is available on the Microsoft Azure Cloud, and through NAV Licenses, purchased in traditional mode (OnPremise) or through a subscription mode (pay per use).

Other advantage of this portal : It allows its customers to limit the need of users licenses needed to access to these company’s ERP functions.

Then, feel free to contact us regarding your Dynamics NAV or Group ERP project. We can organise a way to show you our Nav in Sharepoint portal !

  • User portal based on Microsoft Sharepoint

  • Up to 16 customizable shortcut tiles

  • Allow to centralize in one portal page the access of users

  • Portal hosted in the Azure Cloud : No hardware investment

  • Licences available in subscription : Invoice based on the use

  • SSO (Single Sign On) compliant : Respecting rights allowed to users


Nos clients sont meilleurs ambassadeurs :

  • We have selected Microsoft Dynamics NAV as our Local Subsidiaries’ Group Core Model, also as an alternative to our Tier-1 Central. Dynamics NAV is currently implemented within 25+ countries and will cover 40+ at the end of the project.

  • The technical platform of Microsoft Dynamics NAV allows us to import easily and efficiently an important volume of data on a daily basis coming from our multi-countries and multi-currencies e-Commerce website.

  • The high involvement and commitment of Dynamics International resources on our Dynamics NAV project has allowed us to efficiently implement the Group solution within our 13 local subsidiaries. It helped managing each country’s specific activities (bookkeeping/finance) through a direct interface with our Group internal business solution.

  • Microsoft Dynamics NAV Bookkeeping and Finance functions have convinced us of the relevance of this ERP solution regarding our international context. The solution efficiency allowed us to keep a cost effective team size at Finance Department level, in order to manage the growth of our 35 countries subsidiaries.